These replacement razor blades are completely plastic free and designed for use with any safety razor, no matter the style of the opening!
These superior platinum double edge blades fit snugly in your razor, giving you the closet shave and smoothest skin time and time again. The added benefit of the traditional safety razor is the gap between the blade and the frame, allowing hairs to escape the head of the razor, rather than getting stuck like disposable heads.
Making the change from disposable razors and razor heads to a metal razor will dramatically cut down your plastic use throughout your lifetime. Even buying these blades you will see how much plastic and waste is saved!
- Store your used blades in a metal tin
- When full close the top of the tin with plyers so none can esacape
- Write on the outside of the tin with a marker pen saying RAZOR BLADES
- Put in your normal recycling
Please note that all councils are different and some do not allow recycling of razor blades so please check your area first!
Since changing to a plastic free razor I have been amazed at how easy they are to use and there is no plastic waste at all!
That's why I'm super happy to now stock these razor blades so you don't have to traul the internet trying to find some, that won't come wrapped in plastic!